Liam Summers

“Florida is literally ground zero for the effects of climate change in the US, with sea level rise being especially threatening to us here. When Hurricane Irma hit, many areas around where I lived were devastated, it was really eye opening. Many articles have come out saying that Tampa itself is woefully unprepared for a real hurricane, with the region being lucky to have not been hit over the last century. Rather than wasting money on band-aid solutions like sea walls, it makes more sense to beat the problem at the source, which is combatting climate change.”

Liam Summers is a senior international studies major at the University of South Florida. He is involved with Florida PIRG, working to commit USF to 100% renewable energy.



Student Voices for 100% Renewable Energy

Student Voices for 100% Renewable Energy is an Environment Florida campaign to build support for renewable energy at the statewide level.